Wipe-On Clear Coat
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What if I mess up?
✅ No worries! Any imperfections can be corrected by lightly scuffing the area or wet sanding with 600-800 grit sandpaper, then reapplying the clear coat.
🔴 Tip: Before fully applying, always test in a small, inconspicuous area to ensure the desired finish. This can help avoid potential issues during the full application.
Q: Can I apply more than one coat?
✅ Absolutely! While one coat provides sufficient coverage and protection, applying a second coat can help cover up any minor imperfections from the first coat. The second coat also adds a bit more thickness and enhances the gloss. If applying a second coat, wait 24 hours after the first coat, lightly scuff the surface, and then apply the second coat.
Before You Begin
🔴 Important Precautions:
Always wear a respirator, gloves and appropriate personal protective equipment.
Apply in a well-ventilated area.
Ideal temperature range: 50°F - 77°F (10°C - 25°C).
DO NOT apply in direct sunlight.
Application Steps
1. Surface Preparation
Wash the surface using Poppy’s Patina Pre-Cleaner and water with a Light Duty Gray Scuff Pad.
Scrub thoroughly to remove loose scale, dirt, grit, and oxidation.
If Applying Over Chipping, Failing, or Peeling Clear Coat:
Remove any loose or flaking clear coat.
Wet Sand the Edges: Use 600-grit sandpaper to feather the edges of the old clear coat, ensuring a smooth and even transition to the surrounding surface.
Rinse the surface and let it dry completely.
Apply Wax & Grease Remover:Wet one rag with the remover, wipe the surface, and dry immediately with a clean rag to remove any remaining contaminants.
2. Mixing Instructions
Shake Well (Important Step) Before mixing, shake the clear coat container thoroughly.
Mix Ratio: 8 parts Wipe-On Clear Coat to 1 part Clear Catalyst (8:1).
Stir Thoroughly: Mix well to ensure an even consistency.
Pot Life: Use the mixed product within 2 hours at 77°F (25°C).
Mixing For Satin Finish Users:
To achieve a satin finish, mix the Gloss and Matte 50/50 in equal parts. After combining the two, add the Clear Catalyst at the standard 8:1 ratio (8 parts combined clear coat to 1 part catalyst). Mix thoroughly before application for best results.
3. Applicator Pad Preparation
Blow Off Applicator Pad: Use compressed air or shake the pad to remove loose fibers.
Blow Off Applicator Pad: Use compressed air or shake the pad to remove loose fibers.
Fold "Hamburger-Style"(optional): Fold the applicator pad in half for easy handling.
4. Application Process (Wiping)
Use a paint tray to wet the Applicator Pad for large areas.
For tight spots, use a Recycled Knit Rag.
Apply the clear coat thinly and evenly, one panel at a time.
DO NOT re-wipe the same area after 15 seconds of applying.
If you miss a spot or encounter an issue, wait 24 hours, lightly scuff the area, wipe the surface with Wax & Grease Remover, and reapply.
5. Spray Application Instructions
Use a 1.4 tip with 35-40 psi. Allow 20 minutes of flash time between coats.
No Reducer Needed: Just mix the clear coat with the catalyst (8:1 ratio), and it’s ready to spray.
6. Drying and Curing
Dry to Touch: 20-30 minutes (depending on temperature).
Full Cure: 24 hours. (48 Hours Cure Time prior to Ceramic Coating)
7. Cleanup
Use Acetone or Xylene to remove product from unwanted surfaces.
Dispose of Rags and Applicators Safely:
Lay used rags and applicators flat to dry before disposing to avoid spontaneous combustion.
Important Notes
Spray Paint & Alkyd Coatings: Wiping over these may cause wrinkling or rewetting. Spray application is recommended in these cases.
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For additional support, feel free to reach out to us directly at help@poppyspatina.com. We’re here to ensure your application process goes smoothly!